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Several other areas - alternative education, clerical and administrative support staff and aides at thfe secondary level - remain in flux. THE HEADLEE override would allow continuation of an alternative Begindergarten Program and maintenance of class sizes in the Talented and Gifted Program at current leyels. A 32-percent rather than 40percent cut in the major maintenance budget - $100,000.A 13-percent rather than 33percent decrease in aides who assist in classrooms, offices, playgrounds and lunchrooms at the ele mentary level - $114,500.A 6-percent rather than 29-percent cut in discretionary money allocated to individual schools usually used to buy extras like books and supplies - $144,000.A 50-percent reduction rather than a total spending freeze from initial budget projections on new textbooks districtwide - $157,000.Forty-nine teaching and certified staff positions - $1.1 million.reached consensus on more than $2 million of previously identified spending cuts that would be restored next year if voters say yes to the override. The school board Monday, acting upon recommendations of its administration. The tax increase would be in the form of a Headlee override. I Chiefs golf winners, 1D Canton #bstert)er Thursday, May, 19, 1988 Canton, Michigan Tax hike OK could restore some proposed school cuts By Doug Funk* staff writer No teachers would be laid off next year and participation fees for sports and other extracurricular activities would not be assessed on students if voters in the Plymouth-Canton school district approve a tax increase June 13.Literacy volunteers lauded for efforts, 1B Volume 13 Number 87 -I-*

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